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President Obama's Final State Of The Union Address - Live Feed

As President Obama prepares to unleash his final State Of The Union speech, The White House has conveniently focused attention on the following six "success stories": The Economy (record low number of men in workforce), The Climate (too hot for retail, too cold for construction), Foreign Policy (bwuahahaha), Health Care (record number of Americans cutting back to afford medical costs), and Social Progress (record high racial tensions, police state, surveillance state,  and record low trust in government). But apart from that, Americans have The Kardashians, iGadgets, record levels of syphillis, and, of course, a record surge in national debt during any President's "reign."


Mission Accomplished President Obama...


For the hard of hearing and propaganda-impaired - here is a quick summary of President Obama's 'tenure'


The decline and fall of American Exceptionalism in one simple SOTU Speech reading level chart...

Most crucially - how exactly will President Obama claim a "victory" of a deal with Iran - safeguarding the world from their nuclear threat - when they are holding 2 vessels and 10 navy crewmen "hostage"?

The full speech can be read here but why bother: here is the abbreviated word cloud:

Live Feed (President Obama is due to speak at 9pmET)


If it's too much to bear, here is the ubiquitous drinking game...


As explains, when you hear a word on your selected list of drink words - take a drink*! We recommend something domestic - we are drinking for America after all.

*We define a drink as a gulp of beer or sip of wine or liquor. Know your limits and please drink responsibly.

And here is the live score on this drinking game...


Finally, this...