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Obama Hints At Closing Guantanamo Bay By Executive Order

President Obama has vowed to keep his promise and close Guantanamo Bay before his presidency ends this year, according to White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough.  The U.S. President says he will give Congress a chance to close the detention facility, before moving to the next step if they fail to act. He has hinted that if Congress fail to approve plans to close the controversial prison, he will use executive powers in order to do so. reports: “He feels an obligation to the next president.

Oregon Standoff: Isolated Event Or Sign Of Things To Come?

Submitted by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity,

The nation's attention turned to Oregon this week when a group calling itself Citizens for Constitutional Freedom seized control of part of a federal wildlife refuge. The citizens were protesting the harsh sentences given to members of the Hammond ranching family. The Hammonds were accused of allowing fires set on their property to spread onto federal land.
