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How The Feds Got All That Western Land (and Why It's A Problem)

Submitted by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

Government owned and subsidized lands in the American West have been a source of conflict among competing interest groups since the 19th century. Since the very beginning of white settlement, lands have been used by the federal government as part of a political scheme to subsidize and reward certain groups while punishing others. 

Texas Governor Calls For Constitutional Convention To "Wrest Power From A Federal Government Run Amok"

Texas Governor Calls For Constitutional Convention To "Wrest Power From A Federal Government Run Amok"

When it comes to Texas' relationship with the Federal government, the word "rocky" comes to mind. And nobody embodies said rockiness better than Texas governor Greg Abbott, who recently made headlines after announcing that irrelevant of D.C.'s demands, Texas would refuse to accept any Syrian refugees.

Caught On Tape: Iran Conducts Live-Fire Rocket Drill Next To US Carrier

Late last month, amid heightened tensions between Washington and Tehran, Iran conducted a live-fire exercise in the Strait of Hormuz in close proximity to the USS Harry Truman, one of Ash Carter’s fleet of aircraft carriers.

The US called the incident a “provocation” as the rockets landed a mere 1,500 yards from two US ships.

World War 3: North Korea Warns That It’s On The Brink

A senior official from North Korea warns of the possibility of conflict with south Korea that could lead to World War Three. It comes days after the last remaining truly communist country on the planet tested its first Hydrogen bomb. South Korea has been blasting loud propaganda messages across its borders with the north. This has antagonized the communist north which is already in a heightened state of insecurity with the south after its underground H-bomb test of a few days ago.
