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ISIS Develops Anti Aircraft Heat Seeking Missile

ISIS is reportedly developing heat-seeking land-to-air missiles and high tech self-driving suicide car bombs using human ingenuity. According to videos obtained by Sky News, the Islamic State group is now developing its own weapons in labs in Syria. They include land-to-air missiles for targeting military jets and civilian airplanes as well as self-driving car bombs Telesur TV reports: The United Kingdom-based Sky News released video footage showing a lab believed to belong to the Islamic State group and located in Raqqa, the group’s stronghold in Syria, where engineers of several nationalities could be seen experimenting with different weapons and hi-tech tools. Sky News says the video was provided to it by fighters of the anti-government Free Syrian Army. Inside #IS Terror Weapons Lab: #ISIS now producing ground-to-air missiles capable of downing a jet — Warfare Worldwide (@WarfareWW) January 6, 2016 The video shows that the Islamic State group could potentially use thousands of missiles deemed by Western governments as outdated. The main problem with those missiles and rockets is that their thermal batteries are expired, making their heat-seeking warheads useless. However, the footage shows that the militants have found a way around the problem and created their own functional thermal [...]