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Phone Transcript Reveals Gaddafi Accused Blair Of Supporting Al-Qaeda

Newly released telephone transcripts  reveal that Colonel Gaddafi accused Tony Blair of supporting al-Qaeda as he refused calls to stand down during the height of the Libyan uprising. Gaddafi also warned the former British prime minister about the rise of Islamic extremism On Thursday, the former British Prime minister submitted a transcript of the calls he made to Gaddafi on February 25, 2011, to MPs as part of their investigation into the UK’s policy on Libya.

Iran Claims Saudi Arabia Bombed Their Embassy In Yemen

Saudi warplanes attacked Iran’s embassy in the Yemeni capital Sanaa on Wednesday nigh, injuring a number of embassy staff, according to Iran’s Foreign Ministry. Rudaw reports: “This deliberate and intentional act by the Saudi Arabian government is in violation of all international conventions and legal treaties regarding the protection and impunity of diplomatic compounds under all circumstances.” The spokesman of Iran’s Foreign Ministry, Hossein Jaberi Ansari told Iran’s state television.

UN To Seek Sanctions For North Korea Following Hydrogen Bomb Test

The UN have issued a statement saying that they “strongly condemn” the actions of North Korea’s hydrogen bomb test, and have threatened to impose new sanctions on Pyongyang.  The president of the security council, Elbio Rosselli, told reporters that the UN had “previously expressed their determination to take further significant measures in the event of another North Korea nuclear test“.

Hillary Clinton Will Face FBI Criminal Indictment, Says Attorney

A former U.S. attorney has said that Hillary Clinton faces a very real possibility of a criminal indictment from the FBI in the next 2 months.  Joe DiGenova, a Republican U.S. attorney, said that Clinton’s biggest problem is the current FBI investigation into the contents of her private emails. He claims the investigation is about to explode wide open. reports: “They have reached a critical mass in their investigation of the secretary and all of her senior staff,” DiGenova said Tuesday on the “Laura Ingraham Show” radio program.
