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India, Iran Drop The Petrodollar

Iran and India have made plans to ditch the petrodollar in favour of using rupees for future crude oil trades. reports: Since 2013, Indian refiners have been depositing 45 per cent of their oil payments to Iran in rupees with UCO Bank and withholding the remainder after a payment route through Turkey’s Halkbank was stopped under US and European sanctions. The payment agreement needs amendment as tax exemption is contingent on the pact notified by the Centre in January 2012 which allows only 45 percent of oil payments in rupees.

Enough Already! It's Time To Send The Despicable House Of Saud To The Dustbin Of History

Enough Already! It's Time To Send The Despicable House Of Saud To The Dustbin Of History

Submitted by David Stockman via Contra Corner,

The recent column by Pat Buchanan could not be more spot on. It slices through the misbegotten assumption that Saudi Arabia is our ally and that the safety and security of the citizens of Lincoln NE, Spokane WA and Springfield MA have anything to do with the religious and political machinations of Riyadh and its conflicts with Iran and the rest of the Shiite world.

Gallup Explains Trump: "A Staggering 75% Of Americans Believe In Widespread Government Corruption"

Gallup Explains Trump: "A Staggering 75% Of Americans Believe In Widespread Government Corruption"

Back in July, when the HuffPo was covering Donald Trump's campaign in its "Entertainment Section" (they are not laughing now), and when not a single political pundit thought Trump had any chance of winning the GOP primary (now most of them do), we said that "Donald Trump's Soaring Popularity "Is The Country's Collective Middle Finger To Washington."

Here is what we said:

Donald Trump’s ascendance as the early GOP front-runner is symbolic of a greater global trend: growing pushback against institutional political and economic power.


Reality Peeks Through in Ukraine

Exclusive: With corruption rampant and living standards falling, Ukraine may become the next failed state that “benefited” from a neoconservative-driven “regime change,” though the blame will always be placed elsewhere – in this case, on the demonized Russian President Putin, writes Robert Parry. By Robert Parry Nearly two years since U.S. officials helped foment a coup…
