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A possible light at the end of the tunnel in Syria?

There appears a possible light @ the end of the tunnel in Syria, this after a 3 1/2 hr meeting in Moscow yesterday between Sec'y of St. Kerry & Russian Pres. Putin. After the meeting it was announced an int'l conference will be held in NY on Friday. Afterward Kerry made clear the Assad must go mantra was a non starting position & the US stands ready to work w/ Russia. This could be the diplomatic opening to ending the crisis.

A Basket of Oppressions

Given the reality of the probable extinction of the human race, we are faced with two difficult questions: What kind of political action is possible and relevant at this point? How do we remain motivated to act with hope? This article suggests a way of understanding our situation that may enhance our capacity for energetic political action, despite the bleak circumstances within which we find ourselves.

Kerry’s Moscow Meeting: A Hopeful Sign?

Kerry’s Moscow Meeting: A Hopeful Sign?

Paul Craig Roberts

As those of you who support this website know, the deal we made is that this is your site, and it will remain up as long as you support it. Many of you have kept our bargain.

Today this website alone has hundreds of thousands of readers, and millions more from the many websites in the US and abroad that republish my columns. But only a relatively few readers financially support the website. The reluctance of Americans to support those who give them truth is one reason Americans have so little of it.
