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On Debate Night America Voted. Trump Won.

Although he was derided by the other GOP candidates for skipping out on the first debate, Trump's decision to appear with Tucker Carlson was a fateful one. His has become the most-watched interview in history, with nearing 200 million views. The other GOP candidates have thus faded into political irrelevancy. Meanwhile...the Democrats are set to arrest and mug shot Trump today in Georgia. What's happening in America? Which Way, America? Watch today's Liberty Report:

Cracks Forming! NATO Official Suggests Ukraine Give Up Land

Despite endless promises that NATO's dedication to Ukraine is unwavering, we were treated to a peek behind the mask yesterday, when the NATO Secretary General's chief of staff suggested in a newspaper interview that Ukraine might cede land to Russia in exchange for NATO membership of what's left of the country. Is Ukraine about to get thrown under the bus? Also today: Trump's numbers keep improving with each they realize this? Watch today's Liberty Report:
