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Is It Insanity, Evil, or Both that Has the Western World in Its Grip

Is It Insanity, Evil, or Both that Has the Western World in Its Grip

Paul Craig Roberts

As the presstitute media has no allegiance to truth, one has to wonder if we can even believe obituaries.

For what it is worth, perhaps nothing, the presstitutes report that three US aircraft carrier battle groups are off North Korea or on the way there.

Steve Bannon Declares War On Republican Mega Donor Paul Singer

Steve Bannon Declares War On Republican Mega Donor Paul Singer

Last week, the New York Times confounded the expectations of many rabid followers of the various investigations into the Trump campaign when it revealed that the Washington Free Beacon, a conservative news website funded in large part by hedge fund billionaire Paul Singer, was the Republican-affiliated group that hired Fusion GPS - the opposition research firm that supervised the creation of the ‘Trump dossier’ - to conduct opposition research into then-candidate Donald Trump during the Republican primary.

Chris Whalen: "Glad I Am On A George Soros-Funded Blacklist Of Journalists"

Chris Whalen: "Glad I Am On A George Soros-Funded Blacklist Of Journalists"

At the end of his note today (via, Chris Whalen dropped the following bombshell...

Finally, we cannot fail to mention that The IRA's Chris Whalen has been included in the list of enemies compiled by the minions of George Soros. 


We are in decidedly good company.  David Ignatius. Ann Coulter. The editor of The Nation. The "tout US journalism."


Billionaire Seth Klarman Warns Trump Is "A Threat To Democracy" As Donor Class Frets About Tax Reform

Billionaire Seth Klarman Warns Trump Is "A Threat To Democracy" As Donor Class Frets About Tax Reform

The revelation last week that the Washington Free Beacon, a conservative news website largely funded by Republican megadonor and hedge fund billionaire Paul Singer, hired Trump dossier firm Fusion GPS to conduct opposition research into Trump has inspired Steven Bannon to declare war on the mega doner.  But while Singer has reportedly warmed to the president in the months since he took office, many of his peers are growing increasingly cynical.

US Special Forces Capture Militant Who Was Instrumental In 2012 Benghazi Attack

US Special Forces Capture Militant Who Was Instrumental In 2012 Benghazi Attack

For all the talk about Paul Manafort's indictiment, one can't help but feel that there is a distinct undercurrent amid today's newsflow focusing on Hillary Clinton: from the resignation of one of the most powerful Democrats, Tony Podesta, who earlier today parted ways with the lobbying firm he founded after it became ensnared in the Mueller probe (and who is also brother of Clinton campaign chair John Podesta) to the sudden reemergence of the Benghazi attack narrative, one wonders if Trump is not preparing to launch a broadside attack on his former presidential challenger.
