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NATO Launches New Black Sea Force To Target Russia

NATO Launches New Black Sea Force To Target Russia

Authored by Jason Ditz via,

NATO has announced the launching of their multinational Black Sea Force, based in Romania, and including an entire Romanian brigade of 4,000 troops.

“We are sending a very clear message: NATO is here, NATO is strong and NATO is united,” Stoltenberg told assembled Polish, Romanian, Spanish and Portuguese soldiers.

The force is there to target Russia in the Black Sea region.

US Destroyer Carrys Out Trump's 4th "Freedom Of Navigation" Operation In South China Sea

US Destroyer Carrys Out Trump's 4th "Freedom Of Navigation" Operation In South China Sea

In a provocation that’s sure to raise eyebrows in Beijing, a US Navy destroyer on Tuesday sailed within 12 miles of Parcel islands in the South China Sea in what appears to be the first US “Freedom of Navigation” operation in two months.

Reuters reports that the USS Chafee, a guided-missile destroyer, challenged “excessive maritime claims” near the Paracel Islands, among a string of islets, reefs and shoals over which China has territorial disputes with its neighbors. The operation is believed to be the fourth of its kind to take place since Trump took office.

Bannon On GOP Establishment: "We're Coming After All Of Them And We're Going To Win"

Bannon On GOP Establishment: "We're Coming After All Of Them And We're Going To Win"

Last night on the Sean Hannity show, Breitbart executive chairman and former Trump chief strategist Steve Bannon doubled down on his previously announced "war on the Republican establishment" vowing to, among other things, "challenge every Republican incumbent except for Ted Cruz" in the upcoming mid-term election cycle.
