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The US Government Lost Nearly $1 Trillion In FY2017... Again!

The US Government Lost Nearly $1 Trillion In FY2017... Again!

Authored by Simon Black via,

There was a time, centuries ago, that France was the dominant superpower in the world.

They had it all. Overseas colonies. An enormous military. Social welfare programs like public hospitals and beautiful monuments.

Most of it was financed by debt.

France, like most superpowers before (and after), felt entitled to overspend as much as they wanted.

And their debts started to grow. And grow.

One Day After Historic Saudi-Russian Summit, US Suspends Military Exercises With "Arab Allies"

One Day After Historic Saudi-Russian Summit, US Suspends Military Exercises With "Arab Allies"

Russia no longer even has to lift a finger (or buy a few thousands dollars worth of Facebook ads) to steal influence from the US in key geopolitical hotspots: the US can do so on its own.

According to the WSJ, the Pentagon halted military exercises with Gulf allies in a symbolic rebuke to countries caught in the ongoing diplomatic spat with Qatar that has eroded counterterrorism cooperation in the region, soured relations between historical allies, and allowed outside powers to establish substantial footholds in the region

White House Says Trump's "Calm Before The Storm" Comment Is "Extremely Serious"

Following President Trump's "calm before the storm" comments last night, reporters tried to ask him once again what he meant today, to which he responded "you'll see." However, during The White House Press Briefing, Sarah Sanders replied to questions suggesting the President's comments were "extremely serious," however without offering an explanation.
