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Catalan Leader: "We Have Earned The Right To Form An Independent State"

Catalan Leader: "We Have Earned The Right To Form An Independent State"

Though the results of today's referendum have yet to be announced, separatists in Catalonia are urging the government to declare independence from Spain, citing today's violent crackdown as the reason. In a rousing speech following the close of voting, Carles Puigdemont, the leader of the Catalan government, said his citizens have earned the right to form an independent state and that the results of the referendum, to be announced shortly, will be sent to the local parliament for ratification.

Spanish PM Rajoy Blasts Catalans' "Mockery Of Democracy", Says Spain "Responded With Firmness, Calm" Injuring 761 People

Spanish PM Rajoy Blasts Catalans' "Mockery Of Democracy", Says Spain "Responded With Firmness, Calm" Injuring 761 People

Update: With the injury count now at 761, according to El Mundo, here are the headlines from Rajoy's address as he bagen: Catalonia's unauthorized independence referendum "is a mockery of the very essence of democracy," Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy says.

Speaking from the Palace of Moncloa, his official residence in Madrid, Rajoy said "there has been no referendum of self-determination in Catalonia today".

Trump Tells Tillerson To Stop Negotiating With "Little Rocket Man": "We'll Do What Has To Be Done"

One day after Rex Tillerson revealed for the first time that the US has been in direct - if secret - contact with the government of North Korea over its missile and nuclear tests, a stunning revelation considering that administration officials have until this point insisted that there has been only limited, indirect contact between the White House and the Kim regime,  Trump, in his latest Sunday morning tirade, tweeted his Secretary of State to effectively stop negotiating with "Little Rocket Man" and to save his energy as Save your energy as Trump will "do what has to be done."
