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Jim Kunstler's Solution To Uniting American Citizens - Overturn 'Citizens United'

Jim Kunstler's Solution To Uniting American Citizens - Overturn 'Citizens United'

Authored by James Howard Kunstler via,

Poor old Karl Marx, tortured by boils and phantoms, was right about one thing: History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.

Thus, I give you the Roman Empire and now the United States of America. Rome surrendered to time and entropy. Our method is to drive a gigantic clown car into a ditch.

Is anyone out there interested in redemption?

Coverup? FBI, DOJ Refuse To Comply With Congressional "Trump Dossier" Subpoena

Coverup? FBI, DOJ Refuse To Comply With Congressional "Trump Dossier" Subpoena

In what looks like a naked coverup meant to obscure the fact that the Department of Justice's decision to launch a criminal investigation into possible Russia-Trump collusion was based on a lie, Reuters reports that the DOJ and FBI are resisting a Congressional subpoena from to turn over documents that would reveal details about how the infamous "Trump dossier" factored into their decision to launch said investigation.

Congressman Attacks "Disloyal" John Kelly For Quashing Possible Trump-Assange Deal

Congressman Attacks "Disloyal" John Kelly For Quashing Possible Trump-Assange Deal

As we reported last week, California Rep. Dana Rohrabacher earlier this year tried to broker a deal between the Trump administration and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange whereby Assange would furnish purportedly conclusive evidence that Russia wasn’t responsible for the DNC leaks in exchange for a presidential pardon.

US Orders 60% Of Havana Embassy Staff To Leave After Wave Of Mysterious 'Sonic Attacks'

US Orders 60% Of Havana Embassy Staff To Leave After Wave Of Mysterious 'Sonic Attacks'

Senior U.S. officials have told the Associated Press that the U.S. is pulling roughly 60% of its staff out of Cuba and warning American travelers not to visit due to "specific attacks" that have harmed U.S. diplomats - namely the unspecified sonic attacks that have caused injuries ranging from mild to severe in more than 20 diplomats who formerly worked at the embassy. The officials say the US is ordering all nonessential staff in the embassy in Havana to leave, along with all family members. Only "emergency personnel" will remain.
