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Bernie Sanders Slams "Terrorism-Funding" Saudi Arabia, "Not An Ally" Of The US

Bernie Sanders Slams "Terrorism-Funding" Saudi Arabia, "Not An Ally" Of The US


According to Bernie Sanders, Saudi Arabia has “funded terrorism” around the world and is “not an ally of the United States.”

Bernie Sanders broke with the bipartisan consensus on Capitol Hill in an exclusive interview with The Intercept.

The United States has long considered Saudi Arabia to be a loyal friend, supporter, and partner in the so-called war on terror. 

Pat Buchanan: "America Has No Divinely-Mandated Mission To Democratize Mankind"

Authored by Patrick Buchanan via,

If a U.S. president calls an adversary “Rocket Man … on a mission to suicide,” and warns his nation may be “totally destroyed,” other ideas in his speech will tend to get lost.

Which is unfortunate.

For buried in Donald Trump’s address is a clarion call to reject transnationalism and to re-embrace a world of sovereign nation-states that cherish their independence and unique identities.

Never March on Russia

Never March on Russia

I share with The Saker the concern that the hubris and arrogance that reside in Washington are capable of a fatal mistake that would bring the world to an end. Indeed, the crazed Israeli government could provoke the conflict.

China Fears "Vicious Circle" On Korean Peninsula, US Sees "Tipping Point" If Kim Tests H-Bomb Over Pacific

China Fears "Vicious Circle" On Korean Peninsula, US Sees "Tipping Point" If Kim Tests H-Bomb Over Pacific

In a considerably more aggressive, and less diplomatic, 'story' in China's government mouthpiece Xinhua, writers warn:

"It is not hard to tell that the situation has become a vicious circle where more missile tests trigger more sanctions, while more sanctions trigger more tests..." urging the double-freeze solution once again, saying that "the parties concerned need to respect each other's security concerns."


Trump Administration To Replace Travel Ban With Broader "Targeted" Restrictions: WSJ

After repeatedly asking the Supreme Court to overturn parts of appellate court rulings that have sought to limit the scope of the White House’s controversial travel ban as US judges have continued their unceasing assault on Trump’s order even after the Supreme Court granted a temporary stay, WSJ is reporting this morning that the administration has decided to replace the travel ban in favor of more targeted restrictions that will affect a slightly larger number of countries after it expires this weekend.
