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NASA Blocks Replies to Its ‘Pride Month’ Tweet

Generally, the posts of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) at Twitter are open for replies. But, that is not the case for NASA’s June 2 tweet regarding “Pride Month.” When the United States government agency shares an impressive photograph or video, such as video of a spacewalk in a June 9 tweet, the ability of Twitter users to post replies below the tweet is left open. As would be expected, most of the 150 replies as of June 12 to that spacewalk tweet are positive. Score for NASA public relations.

Poll: Americans Don’t Want a Central Bank Digital Currency

A new poll from the Cato Institute indicates that, while about half of Americans do not have an opinion regarding whether the Federal Reserve should “begin offering a government-issued digital currency, called a ‘central bank digital currency’ (CBDC),” among those with an opinion on the matter over twice as many — 34 percent of poll participants — oppose the prospect as support it — 16 percent.This result of the poll conducted from February 27 through March 8 in collaboration with YouGov is promising for Americans concerned about the threat a CBDC, which the Federal Reserve and big financia

Kennedy Presidential Campaign Announces Dennis Kucinich is Campaign Manager

On Thursday, the presidential campaign of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. announced that Dennis Kucinich had been selected to be campaign manager. Kucinich, a former Democratic member of the United States House of Representatives from Ohio, has some experience with presidential races, having twice run for the Democratic Party presidential nomination. Kennedy explained in a Thursday campaign press release some of the reasoning behind choosing Kucinich:
