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Is The American Pendulum Swinging Back To Reason? Maybe, But It Will Be A Long Fight

It should be considered an embarrassment for the states and districts involved, but the 2022 midterm elections are still being counted as I write this. In some cases, ballot drop boxes, mail-in ballots and “malfunctioning” voting machines have created a suspicious fog of uncertainty, and the uncertainty always seems to work in the favor of the political left.

Which Populations Feel Their Country is on the Wrong Track?

Which Populations Feel Their Country is on the Wrong Track?

Plato once used the allegory of a Ship of Fools to push for his vision of a wise philosopher-king as the ideal pilot for a ship of state.

Looking at the most recent numbers from Morning Consult Political Intelligence’s Projections of Country Trajectories, you would be forgiven for thinking that a great many people believe that their ship of state is piloted by fools.

Ranked: Top 10 Foreign Policy Concerns of Americans

The Briefing

  • Political leanings aside, terrorism remains a top issue of concern for Americans
  • Previous top issues, such as disinformation and U.S.–China relations, now rank lower

In the United States, there is a distinct difference on top foreign policy concerns between Democrats and Republicans.

This chart uses data from Morning Consult to assess the top policy concerns of Americans.

The Top Concerns

'Gimme Gimme Gimme!' - Ukraine's Zelensky Demands MORE Money From Washington

Ukrainian president Zelensky has warned US Republicans that if they win next week Ukraine needs more than just weapons. Ukraine also needs cold, hard cash to pay its bills. Ukraine's endless demands even irritated President Biden, according to a new article on CNBC. Also today: Covid tyranny aftershocks continue, with Dr. Peter McCullough continuing to be stripped of his licenses...for telling the truth. Finally: 60 years ago we almost saw nuclear war. Cooler heads prevailed. Today we are back...without cooler heads. Watch today's Liberty Report:
