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Trump Jr. Says He Only Took Meeting With Russian Lawyer To Assess Clinton's "Fitness" For Office

Trump Jr. Says He Only Took Meeting With Russian Lawyer To Assess Clinton's "Fitness" For Office

After managing to escape a public hearing, at least for now, Donald Trump Jr. told members of the Senate Judiciary Committee in a closed session this morning that he only accepted his now-infamous meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya in order to ascertain Hillary's "fitness" for office.  Per The Hill:

Senate Passes Debt Ceiling/Govt Funding Deal: Here's What Happens Next

Moments ago the Senat passed the debt ceiling/government funding/hurricane aid deal, cobbled between Trump and the Democrats to howls of protest from the GOP, in an 80-17 vote.

As a result, the debt limit will be suspended until December 8 and and fund govt through Dec. 8; it also provides $15.25b in disaster funding for hurricane assistance.  A vote in the House is expected tomorrow, where the bill will also pass: it will be interesting which Republicans vote against the Trump/Democratic proposal.

Senate Intel Chair Demands Crackdown On Russia's Social-Media Ad Spend

Senate Intel Chair Demands Crackdown On Russia's Social-Media Ad Spend

Following Facebook’s “bombshell” revelation last night that Russian-backed entities purchased more than $100,000 in political advertising on its platform, Congressional Democrats and their compatriots in the “resistance” have been howling that the company's admission represents incontrovertible proof that Russia successfully managed to sway the US presidential election.

Powerful Republican Group, With 155 Members, Opposes Trump Debt Ceiling Deal

Having become best friends with top Congressional Democrats overnight, following yesterday's stunning reversal in which President Trump unexpectedly struck a deal with Schumer and Pelosi in which he effectively handed control over the DACA process to Democrats in exchange for a 3 month extension on the debt ceiling as well as avoiding a government shutdown, Trump is now finding that it is Republicans who are engaged in open warfare with the president, and as Axios reports, the leadership of the powerful Republican Study Committee has come out against President Trump's debt ceiling d
