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"We'll See" Trump Responds Asked If He'll Attack N.Korea, May Halt Trade With Any Country Doing Business With Kim

After President Trump condemned North Korea's "hostile and dangerous" actions this morning, hours after the rogue state's 6th nuclear test, and according to the Kim regime first test of a hydrogen bomb, the press wanted to know one thing: will the US attack North Korea? "We'll see," Trump responded, leaving church when a press pooler shouted a question about if he plans to attack North Korea.

Will special counsel Mueller examine the DNC server, source of the great Russiagate caper?

Former federal prosecutor George Parry read the report by the association of Veteran Intelligence Professionals. which conclusively proves that there was no hacking of the DNC computer and that the information was downloaded from within the DNC and then used to orchestrate a fake Russian hacking of the election. Parry explains how it was done and the implications.

Philadelphia Inquirer
August 29, 2017

Will special counsel Mueller examine the DNC server, source of the great Russiagate caper?

By George Parry

"Appeasement Will Not Work": Trump Responds To North Korea's 6th Nuclear Test

Following remarks from the leaders of South Korea and Japan, President Donald Trump has responded to North Korea's latest "perfect" nuclear test, emphasizing that South Korea's "talk of appeasement will not work," and that Kim Jong Un and his government "only understand one thing!" He added that the nuclear test is an China.

Three Dangerous Delusions About Korea

Three Dangerous Delusions About Korea

Authored by James George Jatras via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

They say that most of the world’s real dangers arise not because of what people don’t know but because of what they do 'know' that just ain’t so.

As a case in point, consider three things about Korea that the bipartisan Washington establishment seems quite sure of but are far removed from reality:

Delusion 1: All options, including U.S. military force, are «on the table.»

Robert E. Lee’s Ubiquitous Presence

Robert E. Lee’s Ubiquitous Presence

Paul Craig Roberts

We are going to have to do far more than take down Robert E. Lee’s statue.

We have to close the US Military Academy at West Point. Not only was Lee a West Point graduate, but in 1962 the U.S. Army named the West Point barracks after Robert E. Lee. Two New York congress persons want to change the name of the barracks, but we can’t be satisfied with half-way measures. The entire institution is tainted. And so is the U.S. Army. We have to close down the Army also.
