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CIA-Funded Washington Post Smears Indie Media For Covering DNC Fraud Lawsuit

CIA-Funded Washington Post Smears Indie Media For Covering DNC Fraud Lawsuit

Authored by Caitlin Johnstone via,

The Washington Post, whose sole owner is both a CIA contractor and one of the wealthiest plutocrats of all time, has sent its Bezos-paid Ringwraiths after small independent reporters for having the temerity to talk about a lawsuit that had severe implications for the future of democracy in America.

Professor Explains Why We Can't Pre-emptively Strike North Korea: "North Would Turn South Into A Desert"

Professor Explains Why We Can't Pre-emptively Strike North Korea: "North Would Turn South Into A Desert"

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

Following North Korea’s recent missile test, which ominously flew over Japan, the specter of war with the hotheaded nation was raised once again.

As time goes on, it seems less and less likely that the Kim regime will back down from its nuclear program. All forms of diplomacy and appeasement have failed, and not even threats of war from the US seem to have an effect on the regime.

'Supervolcano' Alert - Not Just In Yellowstone

'Supervolcano' Alert - Not Just In Yellowstone

Authored by Robert Gore via Straight Line Logic blog,

Thar she blows!

Once every 600,000 years or so Yellowstone’s supervolcano erupts, making Mt. St. Helens, Pinatubo, and Krakatoa look like firecrackers. It blankets thousands of miles around it in lava and ash, casting a pall over the earth that lowers temperatures and hinders plant life for decades. Compared to Mother Nature we anthropogenic climate changers (if we are that) are pikers. Interestingly enough, that supervolcano is due for another eruption.

Paul Ryan Draws Strength From Pelosi, Finally Condemns Antifa As "Left-Wing Thugs"

Paul Ryan Draws Strength From Pelosi, Finally Condemns Antifa As "Left-Wing Thugs"

In the days since Trump's controversial press conference on the Charlottesville tragedy in which he said there was "blame on both sides," Republicans have been tripping over one another to distance themselves from the White House.  Apparently the mere suggestion that Antifa, a Leftist group that has repeatedly incited violence at protests around the country, was anything more than an innocent bystander was grounds for impeachment, at least according to CNN, and just not something that Republicans in Congress were willing to touch.

Russia Responds: "The US Has Declared The Hot Phase Of Diplomatic War"

Russia Responds: "The US Has Declared The Hot Phase Of Diplomatic War"

Just minutes after Russia was given 2 days to implement today's decision by the State Department, shuttering Russia’s consulate in San Francisco, California and two diplomatic annexes in Washington, DC and New York City, in "the spirit of parity invoked by the Russians", the Russian responses started coming in, and they were not happy. 

Russia's foreign minister Sergey Lavrov was first on the tape, saying he  “expressed regret about the escalation of tensions in bilateral ties”, noting "it wasn’t Russia that started the escalation."
