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Korea, Afghanistan, And The Never-Ending War Trap

Korea, Afghanistan, And The Never-Ending War Trap

Authored by Pepe Escobar via Asia Times,

While the US-backed 'Hunger Games' in South Korea plow on, a 'new strategy' for Afghanistan is really all about business. But China is already there...

There are more parallels between an unfinished 1950s war in Northeast Asia and an ongoing 16-year-old war in the crossroads between Central and South Asia than meet the eye.

Let’s start with North Korea.

Once again the US/South Korea Hunger Games plow on. It didn’t have to be this way.

Rickards Fears September Meltdown - "1000 Point Drops, Or A Closed Exchange?"

Authored by Craig Wilson via The Daily Reckoning,

Jim Rickards joined Alex Stanczyk at the Physical Gold Fund to discuss current destabilizing factors that could drastically impact investors. During the first part of their conversation the economic expert delved into gold positioning for the future, the expanding threats from North Korea and liquidity in global markets.

Trump Pardons Sheriff Joe Arpaio

After weeks of speculation whether Trump would pardon sheriff Joe Arpaio - who on July 31 was found guilty of defying a court order barring officers from stopping Latino drivers on suspicion they were in US illegally, bringing his tenure as a crusader against illegal immigration to an end - as he hinted at the recent Phoenix rally, or if he would, as the NYT claimed, not interfere in the legal process, moments ago - in what is now a record-setting Friday night for the sheer barrage of news - the White House announced that Donald Trump would pardon sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Mugabe Says Zimbabwe "Will Not Prosecute Killers Of White Farmers"

Mugabe Says Zimbabwe "Will Not Prosecute Killers Of White Farmers"

93-year-old Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe made it clear in an address this week that people who murdered white farmers during a government-sanctioned purge in the 2000s will never be prosecuted.

In 2000, Zimbabwe implemented a controversial land reform program that saw squatters invade and seize hundreds of white-owned farms around the country. As Newsweek details, the violent seizures resulted in the murder of several white farmers, with many more displaced, and close associates of Mugabe given large chunks of land.

Bannon: "At The White House, I Had Influence. At Breitbart, I Have Power"

Bannon: "At The White House, I Had Influence. At Breitbart, I Have Power"

A week after declaring that he is “going to war” to try and save President Donald Trump’s agenda from being co-opted by Trump’s more moderate advisors, "Bannon the Barbarian" – who returned to his post as executive chairman of Breitbart almost immediately after leaving the administration – laid into his political enemies while fleshing out his plan for helping the Trump administration from the outside in greater detail during an interview with the Economist.
