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Pentagon Denounces American Nazis While Arming Ukrainian Nazis

Pentagon Denounces American Nazis While Arming Ukrainian Nazis

Authored by Finian Cunningham via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

In the wake of violent protests involving white supremacists and Neo-Nazis in the US, the Pentagon’s top military brass issued unprecedented condemnations of «racists and extremists». One veterans spokesman said: «Anyone waving a Nazi flag must be rooted out of our society».

How The US Deep State Accidentally Forged A Multipolar World Order

How The US Deep State Accidentally Forged A Multipolar World Order

Authored by Federico Pieraccini via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

In every nation there are power conglomerates that determine and influence the domestic and foreign policy choices their nations. In the United States, it is important to highlight the concept known as American exceptionalism that accompanies these power centers, often called the deep state. According to this principle, the United States alone has been chosen by God to lead mankind.

McConnell Doubts "Trump Can Save Presidency" As Relationship "Disintegrates"

According to a new bombshell report from the NYT, the relationship between President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has "disintegrated" in recent week "to the point that they have not spoken to each other in weeks", prompting the Kentucky senator to express doubts if Trump can succeed in office and "salvage the presidency" after a summer of controversies and crises.

The Problem Is Bigger Than Trump And Obama: Should The One-Man Presidency Be Abolished?

Authored by Justin Gardner via The Free Thought Project,

There was something very revealing about Charlottesville and its aftermath. Not the behavior of the president, or the disturbing resiliency of Nazism, or the willingness of some counter-protesters to initiate violence. We saw how the repugnant actions of a very tiny percentage of people can be manufactured into an all-encompassing narrative – while the corporatocracy continues fleecing America.
