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Bannon's Revenge: Breitbart Threatens To "Rally Votes For Impeachment" If Trump Moves Left

Bannon's Revenge: Breitbart Threatens To "Rally Votes For Impeachment" If Trump Moves Left

Last Friday Bannon boldly declared: "I’m leaving the White House and going to war for Trump against his opponents... on Capitol Hill, in the media, and in corporate America." 

But, according to a new note from Vanity Fair, that "war" could end up ensnaring the President himself should he decide to succumb to what Bannon views as intense internal White House pressure, from the likes of Jared Kushner, Ivanka and Gary Cohn, among others, to move to the Left on key policy issues.

Ray Dalio's Gravest Warning Yet: "I Am Tactically Reducing Risk... This Is Broadly Similar To 1937"

Two weeks after Ray Dalio warned in his latest letter to Bridgewater clients that the right trade in the current environment is to buy gold in case "things go badly", the head of the world's biggest hedge fund is out with his gravest warning yet, saying that he is "concerned about growing internal and external conflict leading to impaired government efficiency." In his LinkedIn post, he writes that he "continues to closely watch how conflict is being handled a guide, and I’m not encouraged.”

Beware The "The Cultural Civil War" Narrative: You're Being Played

Beware The "The Cultural Civil War" Narrative: You're Being Played

Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

There is always common ground for those who dare to seek it.

Remember the "Russians hacked our election!" hysteria - or have you already forgotten? That entire narrative collapsed under a deluge of factual evidence that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) data release was an insider job, and a compelling lack of evidence of any other Russian hacking.

Trump and American History Have Been Assassinated

Trump and American History Have Been Assassinated

Paul Craig Roberts

When Trump was elected I wrote that it was unlikely that he would be successful in accomplishing the three objectives for which he was elected—peace with Russia, the return home of offshored US jobs, and effective limits on non-white immigration—because these objectives conflicted with the interests of those more powerful than the president.
