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CNN Reveals Gameplan: Remove the President Under the 25th Amendment for Being Mentally Ill

CNN Reveals Gameplan: Remove the President Under the 25th Amendment for Being Mentally Ill

Content originally published at

Back in July, Fox News columnist, Steve Kurtz, asked the question regarding the 25th amendment: Constitution or Coup? But that wasn't the first time the 25th amendment was mentioned by democrats. They've been pining to use it to remove Trump from the day he took office.

Republican Senator Warns "Violence Is Coming" If 'Identity Politics' Continues

Republican Senator Warns "Violence Is Coming" If 'Identity Politics' Continues

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

Republican Senator Ben Sasse from Nebraska feels like there’s most likely more violence coming in the near future.

Following last weekend’s deadly clash between neo-Nazi groups, and left-wing counter-protesters in Charlottesville, VA, Sasse posted a long comment on Facebook that’s prophetic, and disconcerting.

“It feels like violence is coming,” Sasse wrote at the end of a long Facebook post on Friday evening, titled “The next Charlottesville.”


5 Reasons Franklin D. Roosevelt was the WORST

5 Reasons Franklin D. Roosevelt was the WORST

Via The Daily Bell

Can you believe that there are at least three statues of Franklin D. Roosevelt in Washington DC? There is one in South Dakota too, another in Virginia, and even more in London.

It appears all these places are overrun by racists and fascist sympathizers. How can people put up with revering a man who:

1. Literally Rounded Up 120,000 Japanese Americans, and Put them in Concentration Camps!

That was authorized by executive order 9066, which Roosevelt signed February 19, 1942.
