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Did Biden Offer Saudis An Oil 'Quid Pro Quo' To Boost Dem Election Prospects?

The announced two million barrel cut per day from OPEC+ was a heavy body blow to President Biden and the Democrats as they face what may be very rocky mid-term elections. Did Biden pressure the Saudis to hold off on the cuts until after the elections? Also today, a CPI nuke was dropped on the US economy. Finally, how democratic is Germany? Watch today's Liberty Report:

'See Ya!' Tulsi Dumps 'Woke, Warmongering' Democratic Party

Tulsi has left the chat. In a dramatic announcement this morning, former US Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) announced she was leaving the Democrat Party which she said "stands for a government of, by, and for the powerful elite." What's next for Tulsi and how will it shake up US politics? Also today, Russia's missile barrage continues as NATO chief Stoltenberg claims a win for Russia is a loss for...NATO! Finally, did the Brits plot to blow up the Kerch Bridge? Watch today's Liberty Report:

Escalation! After Crimea Bridge Blast, Russia Hits Back!

Just over a day after Kiev crossed Putin's "red line" and struck the bridge connecting Crimea with mainland Russia, Moscow launched an unprecedented level of airstrikes throughout Ukraine, aiming at the power grid and military command centers. The Biden Administration was convinced that Putin's talk of "red lines" was a bluff. How far will this escalate? Also today: a Washington Post survey of GOP Congressional candidates reveals that most do not believe the official story on the 2020 elections. What might this mean if control of the House and Senate shifts?

Map Explainer: The Caucasus Region

Map Explainer: The Caucasus Region

The Caucasus Region has been engulfed in a territorial dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the Nagorno-Karabakh region for decades now. Although flare-ups in the conflict have been recent, the root of the violence harkens back to the 1980s.

But this map allows us to step back and look at the region in its larger context.
