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The $100 Trillion Global Economy in One Chart

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Biden Goes Begging: To Offer Saudis Bombs For Oil

President Biden's trip next week to a Saudi Arabia that not long ago he referred to as a "pariah state" demonstrates just how desperate his Administration is to save the sinking ship of the US economy. Officials are now floating the idea of approving "offensive" weapons to the Saudis as Biden prepares to grovel for more oil. Also today: Iran sending drones to Russia? Really Jake? Finally: Congress adds a few billion to Biden's military funding request. Business as usual for the Beltway bandits. Today on the Liberty Report:

Scam Alert! Ukraine Demands $750 Billion...For 'Reconstruction'!

As Ukraine continues to lose ground in the east, its leaders are inexplicably demanding three-quarters of a trillion dollars to "reconstruct" areas controlled by Russia. Once widely considered the most corrupt country in Europe, Western leaders have already dumped in billions with zero oversight. Will they keep writing checks? Also today, Saudis laugh at Biden's request for more oil. And...JP Morgan warns of $380/barrel oil. Watch today's Liberty Report:
