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Kansas—A Puppet State of Israel

Kansas—A Puppet State of Israel

We must ask ourselves how Israel took over the government of Kansas and had a law passed that criminalized protests against Israel for its crimes against the Palestinians. A federal court had to step in and rescue the First Amendment from the Israeli-controlled government of Kansas. See:

Will The Conspiracy Against Trump and American Democracy Go Unpunished?

Dear Readers: This is one of the most important articles I have written, along with this one: If the Russiagate conspiracy against Trump and American democracy goes unpunished, accountable government in the United States will cease to exist. US security agencies have long been involved in coups against foreign governments. Now they are involved in one against America.

The Liberal/Progressive/Left Has Destroyed Itself

Here is Democrat Mike Whitney’s take on Russiagate:

Hooray for Hillary Inc–The idiot Dems turn Trump into a populist hero  

Today is a great victory for the naysayers who NEVER believed a word of the “Russia did it” bullsh**.
Hooray for us!

It  took just one 4 page memo to annihilate 18 months of relentless, inexorable, nonstop lies and fabrications.

Here’s what can be construed from the memo:

a– That there was in fact a conspiracy aimed at preventing Trump from winning the election and from governing the country after he was elected.
