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The FBI Hand Behind Russia-gate

The FBI Hand Behind Russia-gate

By Ray McGovern

As I have reported from the beginning, Russiagate is an orchestrated hoax by the security agencies for the purpose of preventing Trump from normalizing relations with Russia and, if necessary, for removing him from office. Russiagate is an act of treason by the security agencies. Those responsible must be arrested, prosecuted, and convicted. — PCR

Amnesty International Is Barking Up The Wrong Tree

Amnesty International Is Barking Up The Wrong Tree

Paul Craig Roberts

I have received a letter from Margaret Huang, Amnesty International’s executive director. She is fundraising on the basis of President Trump’s “chilling disregard for our cherished human rights” and his exploitation of “hatred, misogyny, racism and zenophobia,” by which he has “emboldened and empowered the most violent segments of our society.”

Israel’s Takeover of the Internet

Israel’s Takeover of the Internet

It has been learned that major social media and internet service providers have, throughout the past year, been meeting secretly with the United States and Israeli governments to remove content as well as ban account holders from their sites. — Philip Giraldi

The ACLU is working to reverse the FCC’s decision on behalf of the CIA and the Israel lobby to destroy Internet neutrality.
