CBS Contradicts Itself On Mueller’s Report
Paul Craig Roberts
Despite reporting correctly Deputy AG Rosenstein’s statement that Mueller’s investigation found no evidence that Russian social media activity had an effect on the US election and no cooperation or collusion with the Trump campaign, CBS then falsely reports: “DOJ indicts Russians for meddling in election.”
Does CBS have an explanation for its side-by-side self-contradiction on its own website?
Are the CBS presstitutes so stupid that they didn’t even notice their self-contradiction, or are the presstitutes so determined to carry on with the Russiagate fake news story that they shout over a print account with a TV Special Report?
Is it a question of total incompetence or total dishonesty? I see every indication on the part of the media to prevent the American public from understanding that from start to finish Russiagate was a hoax designed to discredit the President of the United States.
I see the same on the part of the FBI, the DOJ, and Trump’s own National Security Adviser. Here is Rosenstein’s announcement of Muller’s indictment of 13 Russians.
Note that after saying the Russians are indicted for interfering in the election, and spending 5 minutes on this, at the 5 minute 20 second mark Rosenstein says there is no evidence that the Russians had any affect on the election! So what we have is the Deputy Attorney General of the United States announcing an indictment for which he says there is no evidence!
“What’s going on here?” as the colonel asks in the movie, Legends of the Fall. The answer is that
Rosenstein, Mueller, Comey, Brennan, Hillary, the DNC, the entirety of the presstitute media, and so on have been involved in a conspiracy to disempower and remove the President of the United States. They have been caught at it. And now the deceitful corrupt bastards and bitches are simultaneously abandoning their principal charge that Trump and his associates were involved while holding on to the claim that a few Russians independently of any and all Americans were trying to do something. If you watch Rosenstein’s 6 minute 45 second news statement, you can clearly see this simultaneous avowal and disavowal of Russiagate.
If Trump has any balls, all of the above will be indicted, convicted, and imprisoned. Otherwise, it will all happen again. Or Trump will be assassinated, and the presstitutes will blame the “lone nut” served up by the CIA.
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