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Uber Used "Secret" Greyball Tool To Deceive Authorities

In the latest public relations fiasco to hit Unicorn champion Uber (the company remains the most valuable private company in the world at a valuation of $68 billion), just days after it emerged that the company was allegedly engaged in sexual harassment according to a disgruntled employee, and shortly after a video leaked showing Uber CEO having a meltdown while being driven in one of his own vehicles, the NYT reports, citing current and former employees, that Uber has for years engaged in a program to deceive authorities in markets where its service was being resisted or banned by law enfo

Portland Student Finds Cheap Way To Make Saltwater Drinkable

A Portland student is grabbing everyone’s attention because of a science experiment that began at high school. A senior at Jesuit High School in Portland, Oregon, Chaitanya Karamchedu, or Chai as he is called, found a cheap and easy way to bypass all existing desalination methods and turn salt water into fresh drinking water. Universities and tech companies such as MIT and Intel are now investing in his work. Chai is now focusing his attention on curing cancer, by destroying cancer cells from the inside out.

US Bound Missiles Found On Passenger Aircraft In Serbia

Serbian authorities are investigating reports of a cargo package destined for Portland, Oregon containing explosive warheads. Two air-to-surface missiles were found on board a passenger flight in Serbia. Sputnik reports: According to Serbian news agency Tanjug, Air Serbia, the largest air Serbian carrier, has confirmed that an undisclosed “package” was discovered by a sniffer dog aboard a passenger aircraft, “thanks to the strict measures of security control”.

Ammon Bundy Admits Defeat, Calls On Remaining Oregon Occupiers To "Stand Down, Go Home"

Ammon Bundy Admits Defeat, Calls On Remaining Oregon Occupiers To "Stand Down, Go Home"

The story of Ammon Bundy and his not so merry band of Federal Wildlife Refuge occupiers is about to come to its end.

Following the overnight arrest of the Oregon militia leader and six of his associates by the FBI, as well as deadly shooting during a confrontation with federal authorities of Robert "LaVoy" Finicum, spokesperson for the militiamen occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, moments ago Portland's KATU reported that Ammon Bundy, through his attorney, asked the remaining armed occupiers at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge to stand down and go home.
