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Fewer Corporate Insiders Are Buying Their Own Stocks Than At Any Point In 29 Years

Fewer Corporate Insiders Are Buying Their Own Stocks Than At Any Point In 29 Years

If 'everything is awesome' then someone will have to explain to us why corporate executives are buying their own firms’ shares at the slowest pace in at least 29 years.  According to the Washington Service, there were a total of 279 insider buyers in January, the lowest since 1988.  Moreover, the number of sellers has also grown in recent months, pushing the ratio of buyers to sellers in February to its lowest since 1988 as well.

Obama’s Brother Reveals Former President’s Kenyan Birth Certificate

Obama’s Brother Reveals Former President’s Kenyan Birth Certificate

Barack Obama’s older brother Malik Obama has published the former president’s apparent Kenyan birth certificate on Twitter.  The birth certificate, issued by the British Protectorate of Kenya, states that Barack Hussein Obama II was born on the 4th of August 1961 in the Coast Province General Hospital in Mombassa, Kenya. Born and raised in Kenya, Malik moved to the Washington D.C. area in the 1980s and became a naturalized U.S.

Obama Could Become First Former President With A Felony

Obama Could Become First Former President With A Felony

Barack Obama could become the first former President in American history to be charged in a felony offence, according to retired Army Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer. Following the revelation that the Obama administration wiretapped Donald Trump during last years presidential election, the White House has called for an immediate investigation into Obama and the DOJ over possible criminal wrongdoing. Former senior intelligence officer and retired Army Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer, believes that the magnitude of the scandal will likely result in the indictment of Barack Obama.

John McCain Panics: WikiLeaks Vault7 Dump ‘Is Very Real’

John McCain Panics: WikiLeaks Vault7 Dump ‘Is Very Real’

Senator John McCain has admitted that the recent Wikileaks Vault7 dump is “very real” and has urged the CIA to crackdown on cybersecurity so it never happens again.   In a panicked statement to reporters, the Arizona Republican said that thousands of CIA documents detailing how American intelligence agencies routinely spy on citizens via smart TVs and phone devices, pose a threat to national security. “We’ve got to do a lot more,” he told reporters Tuesday afternoon.
