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Russian Ambassador At The Center Of The Sessions' Scandal Visited Obama White House 22 Times

Russian Ambassador At The Center Of The Sessions' Scandal Visited Obama White House 22 Times

Michael Flynn, Jared Kushner, Carter Page and Jeff Sessions, they all have something in common: they all met the Russian ambassador in the US, Sergey Kislyak, the object of non-stop leaks via the NYT/WaPo block, and substantial headaches for the Trump administration. Who is Sergey? The following profile of the Russian career diplomat courtesy of The Hill, should help answer some of lingering questions.

Sergey Kislyak

"It's A Witchhunt" - Russia Slams "Malicious Campaign" Waged By Unknown Americans To Damage Ties

With the Russian ambassador's meetings seemingly a daily fixture in the CIA/FBI-leaked NYT or WaPo front page news, Russia warned on Friday that efforts to restore relations with the U.S. are being harmed by a “malicious campaign” waged by unknown Americans over meetings between its ambassador and President Donald Trump’s administration.

Trey Gowdy (R-SC) After FBI Director Comey Briefing: "Be Very Very Careful" Relying On NYT and Washington Post For Leaked News

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) appeared on Fox's First 100 Days Thursday evening after a closed door briefing earlier in the day by FBI director James Comey concerning the agency's investigation into claims of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

The interview begins with host Martha MacCallum mentioning that Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA), who attended the same meeting, was "rattled" over the lack of information Comey gave concerning Russian involvement in the election.

Paul Craig Roberts Fears "The Resurrection Of Armageddon"

Via Paul Craig Roberts,

“The U.S. intelligence community’s extraordinary campaign of leaks claiming improper ties between President Trump’s team and Russia seeks to ensure a lucrative New Cold War by blocking detente.” — Gareth Porter

It only required 24 days for the Deep State to castrate President Donald Trump and terminate the promise that the high tensions with Russia created during the Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama regimes would be terminated by Trump’s presidency.
