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presidential election

French Prosecutor To Open Official Probe Into Francois Fillon's Embezzlement Allegations

As recently as one week ago, French conservative politician Francois Fillon, who until recently was the favorite to win the upcoming presidential election until centrist Emmanuel Macron stormed ahead of him in popularity, said he would end his presidential campaign if an official probe was launched against him over a long-running graft scandal. Then, one week ago, he backtracked on the promise to quit the race if he is placed under formal investigation over his wife’s employment.

Trump Tears Into The FBI: Agency Is "Totally Unable To Stop National Security Leakers"

After nearly a week of eerie silence in which Trump ignored the topic of "leaks" to the press by various US agencies, most notably the FBI, in his first tweets of the day the president reverted to one of his biggest peeves in recent weeks, namely how the "enemy" press continues to get inside scoops into his administration, and tore into the Federal Bureau of Investigations, following a provocative report from CNN which cited "unnamed sources" according to whom the White House tried to urge the FBI to dispute accounts of regular contact between the Trump 2016 presidential campaign and Russia

French Voters Call On Obama To Run For President To "Give French People Hope"

French Voters Call On Obama To Run For President To "Give French People Hope"

As French voters look set to make a massive swing to the right in their upcoming presidential election (see our notes on the topic here and here), a group of frightened liberal protesters have decided to back a relatively surprising, if impossible, presidential candidate in 2017, Barack Obama. 

And, lest you thing this is a joke, a quick walk around Paris even reveals campaign posters for "Obama17" plastered all around the city.

