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presidential election

Ron Paul: US Interferes In Elections ‘All The Time’

Ron Paul has accused the American government of constantly interfering in elections in foreign countries “all the time,” and has slammed them for their hypocrisy. The former US Congressman told Fox Business Network there is barely any proof that Russia influenced the outcome of the US election, but says that America openly influences elections abroad without any ‘outcry’ from the media.

'Mutiny' Or 'Acceptance'? Democrats Ask "Was Barack Obama Bad For Democrats?"

'Mutiny' Or 'Acceptance'? Democrats Ask "Was Barack Obama Bad For Democrats?"

Is this a full-blown mutiny? Or did Democrats just reach the fifth stage of grief - "acceptance"? In a NYTimes op-ed, they begin by claiming that "President Obama will be remembered as a thoughtful and dignified president, but admit his legacy regrettably includes the more than 1,000 Democrats who lost their elections during his two terms. Republicans now have total control in half of America’s states...Why such political carnage?"

Via The New York Times,

The U.S. Interfered In Foreign Presidential Elections 81 Times From 1946-2000

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

Something we should all be aware of.

From the LA Times:

The CIA has accused Russia of interfering in the 2016 presidential election by hacking into Democratic and Republican computer networks and selectively releasing  emails. But critics might point out the U.S. has done similar things.


Paul Craig Roberts Warns "As the Coup Against Trump Fails, the Threat Against His Life Rises"

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

The use of the presstitute media to deny Trump the Republican presidential nomination failed.

The use of the presstitute media to deny Trump victory in the presidential election failed.

The vote recount failed.

The effort to sway the Electoral College failed.

But the effort continues.
