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presidential election

As the Coup Against Trump Fails, the Threat Against His Life Rises — Paul Craig Roberts

As the Coup Against Trump Fails, the Threat Against His Life Rises

Paul Craig Roberts

The use of the presstitute media to deny Trump the Republican presidential nomination failed.

The use of the presstitute media to deny Trump victory in the presidential election failed.

The vote recount failed.

The effort to sway the Electoral College failed.

But the effort continues.

The CIA report on Russia’s alleged interference in the US presidential election ordered by Obama is in process. Faked evidence is a hallmark of CIA operations.

2016 Year In Review

Authored by Scott Kristoff via Avondale Asset Management,

We started this year with the economy deteriorating and finished it with the second interest rate increase in ten years.  There were a lot of ups and downs along the way, but ultimately 2016 was defined by three key story-lines:  1) Brexit 2) The Presidential Election 3) Fed Policy.

Paul Craig Roberts Warns "Only A Counter-Coup Can Save American Democracy"

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

The CIA has long engineered coups in other countries. Now we are approaching at breakneck speed a CIA coup in the USA.

When the presstitute media first published unverifired, unsourced leaks attributed to unnamed CIA officials, both the FBI and the Director of Homeland Security said that they did not embrace the accusation that Trump’s election was a result of Russian interference in the US presidential election.

First "Faithless Elector" Emerges In Minnesota, Refuses To Vote For Hillary Clinton

First "Faithless Elector" Emerges In Minnesota, Refuses To Vote For Hillary Clinton

For all the anticipatory rhetoric about a potential wave of Electors refusing to endorse Trump, it may come as a surprise that the first "faithless elector" to emerge in Monday's Electoral College vote was in Minnesota has refused to vote not for Trump but for Hillary Clinton.

As the Hill reports, Muhammad Abdurrahman, a former Bernie Sanders delegate to the Democratic National Convention, attempted to vote for no candidate, according to The Associated Press's Kyle Potter.
