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presidential election

US Caught Rigging Russia’s Elections

The United States was caught interfering and rigging elections in Russia twenty years ago – a fact the mainstream media seems to have conveniently forgotten. As the U.S. political establishment and corporate media continue to perpetrate the lie that Russian hackers interfered with this years presidential election – the media are refusing to remind the public how the American government gleefully boasted about doing the very same thing in Russia in 1996.

Harvard Professor Admits His Efforts To Turn Electoral College Against Trump Have Failed Miserably

Harvard Professor Admits His Efforts To Turn Electoral College Against Trump Have Failed Miserably

A few days ago we wrote about the Harvard Professor, Larry Lessig, who was offering free legal services to any Republican elector willing to consider switching their vote from Trump to any other candidate when the electoral college meets on December 19th (see "Harvard Professor Says He's Rallied Nearly Enough GOP Electors To Block Trump").    At the time, Lessig said he was in active discussions with 20 electors, all of whom he claimed had vowed to switch their votes.

Only a Counter-Coup Can Save American Democracy — Paul Craig Roberts

Only a Counter-Coup Can Save American Democracy

Paul Craig Roberts

The CIA has long engineered coups in other countries. Now we are approaching at breakneck speed a CIA coup in the USA.

When the presstitute media first published unverifired, unsourced leaks attributed to unnamed CIA officials, both the FBI and the Director of Homeland Security said that they did not embrace the accusation that Trump’s election was a result of Russian interference in the US presidential election.
