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Disappointing 3 Year Auction Prices At Highest Yield Since 2010, Lowest Bid To Cover Since 2009

Disappointing 3 Year Auction Prices At Highest Yield Since 2010, Lowest Bid To Cover Since 2009

The result of today's 3 Year auction, coming at a time when the When Issued was printing above auction stops since April 2010, would be closely watched as a critical test of demand, particularly foreign demand, following selloff sparked by U.S. presidential election, strategists quoted by Bloomberg said. At the same time, they added that the condensed auction schedule, December seasonality, proximity to the Dec. 14 FOMC decision and today’s oil-driven UST selloff, which helped push UST yields above last year’s highs for the first time, may muddy the analysis.

Ten Electoral College Electors Want Briefing On "Russian Interference" Before Presidential Vote

In our initial take on the Washington Post's story about the "secret" CIA assessment that Russia helped Trump win the election (since contested by the FBI), we said that this may amount to nothing short of a "soft coup" attempt by leaders in the US Intel community and the Obama administration, and warned to expect of a push by prominent democrats to pressure the electoral college to "take into consideration" these findings next Monday, on December 19, when the formal vote for president is set to take place.

This is how we summarized the newly-formed narrative:

Trump State Nominee John Bolton Suggests Russian Hack Was "False Flag" By Obama Administration

With the unconfirmed report of Russian hacking of the US presidential election to benefit Donald Trump, coupled with the ongoing crackdown against Russian propaganda "fake news", dominating the US media today, overnight the former neocon ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, who has been floated for the possible second highest role in Donald Trump’s State Department supporting Rex Tillerson, poured fuel on the fire with questions about Russian interference in the U.S.

Democratic Senator: Trump Cabinet Is Full Of "Goldman, Generals And Gazillionaires", Russia Hacking is "Form Of War"

Democratic Senator: Trump Cabinet Is Full Of  "Goldman, Generals And Gazillionaires", Russia Hacking is "Form Of War"

The "it's-not-our-fault, Russia-is-to-blame-for-Trump" narrative is escalating amid Sunday political talk shows with Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill spewing that any attempt by Russia to meddle in the United States presidential election should be seen as "a form of warfare."

“This should be not only about protecting us going forward, but this is a form of warfare,” McCaskill told ABC’s “This Week.”

Judge Slams "Namby Pamby Pathetic Losers", Asks Obama "Why Are You Obsessed WIth Russia?"

Saturday on "Justice", Judge Jeanine Pirro responded to President Obama's order that US intelligence agencies investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election, and submit the results of their studies to him before he leaves office in January.

"Seriously? Why Now?" Pirro said, " You have been watching the release of information from WikiLeaks for months. You have watched teh release of Hillary Clintons emails [and ] John Podesta's emails, and the disturbing information contained therein."

