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Juppe And Fillon Clash For Republican Nomination As France Picks Marine Le Pen's Opponent

Juppe And Fillon Clash For Republican Nomination As France Picks Marine Le Pen's Opponent

Following last weekend's latest latest "stunning" political outcome, in which French former PM Francois Fillon trounced pollsters' favorite Alain Juppe in the first round of the French conservative primary and which saw the latest political career termination for former president Nicolas Sarkozy, on Sunday the two former prime ministers are going head-to-head in a runoff vote for France's center-right presidential nomination, with the victor expected to face a showdown against a resurgent Marine Le Pen in the May 2017 presidential election.

Ron Paul Lashes Out At WaPo's Witch Hunt: "Expect Such Attacks To Continue"

Ron Paul Lashes Out At WaPo's Witch Hunt: "Expect Such Attacks To Continue"


Washington Post Peddles Tarring of Ron Paul Institute as Russian Propaganda, via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity,


Iran Loses Nuclear Device, Sparks GCC Concerns

Iran Loses Nuclear Device, Sparks GCC Concerns

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is concerned over a missing radioactive device from Iran’s Bushehr nuclear reactor, Saudi-owned Arab newspaper Asharq al-Awsat reported on Thursday.

Furthermore, as's Tsvetana Paraskova notes, aside from the security concerns, at the forefront in the GCC’s mind is what impact the radioactive device - wherever it may be today - could have on water supplies.

Who Pays What Taxes In The US

Who Pays What Taxes In The US

Every presidential election brings with it a renewed debate on taxes: should tax rates be increased or decreased (which in turn forces economists to break out their textbooks to brush up on their Laffer curve definitions)? Traditionally, the question eventually boils down to one thing: what should the tax treatment of the "rich" be: should the wealthy pay more or less in taxes?
