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Clinton ‘Furious’ After Finding Out She Lost Popular Vote

Hillary Clinton is said to be “furious” after discovering that she didn’t win the popular vote after all. The Former Secretary of State’s bid to overturn the presidential election appears to be falling to pieces.  In a bitter blow, the Clinton’s are now coming to realise that the American public have flat-out rejected their form of politics, which appears to have left both Bill and Hillary dazed and dumbfounded. reports: In Wisconsin, Dane County Circuit Judge Valerie Bailey-Rihn has refused to order local officials to conduct the state’s presidential recount by hand, acknowledging that Stein’s wild conspiracy theory of Russians hacking voting equipment had zero evidence. And in Pennsylvania, Stein’s team missed a critical deadline to officially file for a voter-initiated recount. According to The Washington Examiner, “That blown deadline is a huge blow for Democrats who have pinned their hopes on recounts in the Keystone State, Michigan and Wisconsin.” As a result of their stunning election loss, the Clinton empire has begun to unravel — and it has left former President Bill Clinton stunned. In early November, it was widely reported that, as poll numbers began to shift in President-elect Donald Trump’s favor during the last days of the election, [...]

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