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presidential election

Yahoo's Advice To Trump: Educate Children In Media Literacy To Combat Fake News

Submitted by Joseph Jankowski via,

Writing for Yahoo News, National Political Columnist Matt Bai provides a suggestion to combat the so-called “fake news” epidemic that has become a major talking point of the mainstream media since Donald Trump’s victory in the presidential election. According to Bai, we should be “teaching our kids how to consume” information in an age where the internet has provided a press to anyone with a computer and a router.

Clinton ‘Furious’ After Finding Out She Lost Popular Vote

Hillary Clinton is said to be “furious” after discovering that she didn’t win the popular vote after all. The Former Secretary of State’s bid to overturn the presidential election appears to be falling to pieces.  In a bitter blow, the Clinton’s are now coming to realise that the American public have flat-out rejected their form of politics, which appears to have left both Bill and Hillary dazed and dumbfounded.

The Fake News Witch Hunt: McCarthy’s Red Scare Redux

The Fake News Witch Hunt: McCarthy’s Red Scare Redux

Hold your real assets outside of the banking system in one of many private international facilities  --> 





The Fake News Witch Hunt: McCarthy’s Red Scare Redux

Posted with permission and written by Dave Kranzler (CLICK HERE FOR ORIGINAL)



“Good night and good luck.” – Edward R. Murrow


Six Narratives On The Ascendancy Of Trump

Six Narratives On The Ascendancy Of Trump

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

Perhaps the masses have (finally!) reached the point where the pain of maintaining the status quo now exceeds that of breaking it.

A remarkably diverse array of "explanations" of Donald Trump's presidential election victory have been aired, representing both the conventional political spectrum and well beyond.

Let’s start with the conventional mainstream media “explanations”:

