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presidential election

Iranian Vessel Pointed Weapon At US Military Helicopter

Iranian Vessel Pointed Weapon At US Military Helicopter

Two months ago, a U.S. Navy coastal patrol ship in the Persian Gulf changed course after what the US military subsequently described was an Iranian fast-attack craft "harassing" it by coming within 100 yards. At the time Defense Department officials dubbed the interaction "unsafe and unprofessional due to lack of communications and the close-range harassing maneuvering" and noted that uncovered and manned weapons were seen on the Iranian vessel.

Could Hillary Clinton Still Become President?

Russian media examines whether there is still a chance of a Hillary Clinton White House. US Electoral College voters are set to elect the US president and vice president on December 19. The meeting of electors could find President-elect Donald Trump unfit for office, opening a path for Hillary Clinton to the White House. Sputnik reports: The November 8 presidential election in the US was not, in fact, the final point of the election process of the US head of state.

Donald Trump Claims Millions Voted Illegally

President-elect Donald Trump says that millions of illegal voters cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton in the US presidential election, costing him the popular vote. Donald Trump tweeted on Sunday that not only had he won the electoral vote but he also allegedly won the popular vote, if not for his rival Hillary Clinton receiving millions of “illegal” votes. Fox5 reports: The tweets, made from Trump’s official account on Sunday, appear to be in response to efforts led by Green Party candidate Jill Stein to recount votes in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

The Ten Consequences Of Trump

Authored by Anatole Kaletsky, originally posted at Project Syndicate,

 For those of us who were wrong about the United States’ presidential election, it is worth suppressing emotional reactions, at least for a month or two, and attempting a dispassionate judgment about what Donald Trump’s administration may mean for the world. So here are ten likely consequences of the Trump presidency, divided equally between the good and the bad.
