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presidential election

Clinton’s Lead Exceeds 1.5 M In Popular Vote Count

As ballots continue to be counted in the 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton continues to widen the gap in terms of the popular vote. As of now she has received over 1.5 million more votes than President-elect Donald Trump nationwide. Trump won the election in a spectacular fashion, but his presidency will be marred by the fact that it is the biggest loss for a winning candidate in terms of the popular vote. Hillary Clinton has by far the biggest popular victory in terms of numbers for a candidate who was defeated.

Election Rejection: Liberal Hatred and Hypocrisy Rage in Violence Due to Biased Media

Election Rejection: Liberal Hatred and Hypocrisy Rage in Violence Due to Biased Media

 The following article by David Haggith was published first on The Great Recession Blog:

When Donald Trump would not state with certainty that he would accept the election results before even knowing what the results were or how they might come about, liberals wrung their hands all over the media in grief over the loss of democracy as we know it. Hillary, herself, decried that she had never heard anything so anti-democratic and unAmerican in her life.

Marine Le Pen Takes "Huge Lead" In French Presidential Election Poll Just Days After Being Written Off

Marine Le Pen Takes "Huge Lead" In French Presidential Election Poll Just Days After Being Written Off

The pollsters have done it again. Just four days after the Independent reported that pollsters said  Marine Le Pen has "next to no chance" of winning the French presidency...

