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presidential election

Kanye West Supports Donald Trump, Vows To Run In 2020

Kanye West has come out in support of Donald Trump, telling a stunned audience in California that he has been inspired to run for President himself in 2020.  To a collective boo from the audience, an undeterred Kanye West explained that even though he didn’t vote for either candidate earlier in the month, “if I would have voted, I would have voted on Trump“. He went onto  reiterate his plans to run in the 2020 presidential election, a promise he made last year at the MTV VMA’s.

A Dismal Picture Of Decline

A Dismal Picture Of Decline

Submitted by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog,

A population of illiterate, non-thinking morons can’t possibly obtain good paying jobs. This country spends $12,000 per public school student per year on education and this is the outcome? The factual data presented below paints a picture of an empire in rapid decline. We are too far gone. No amount of money or presidential election is going to change this course. We chose this path in the 1960s and now we will reap the consequences.

