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Would New All-Time Highs Negate The Bear Market?

Would New All-Time Highs Negate The Bear Market?

Submitted by Lance Roberts via,

As I discussed in this past weekend’s commentary:

“With the market now overbought on a WEEKLY basis, there is little “fuel in the tank” effectively to substantially drive prices higher in the short-term. Therefore, with risk outweighing reward at the moment, a more cautious stance to portfolio management should be considered.

"Clinton Nemesis" Klayman Comes To Trump's Defense: "Trump Right About Judicial Bias And Prejudice"

It has been a difficult day for Donald Trump, with virtually everyone, enemies as well as alleged allies coming down on him like a ton of bricks over his comments about Judge Gonzalo Curiel's alleged bias and prejudice against him. Just moments ago, The Hill issued an article titled "GOP aghast as Trump doubles down" in which it writes that "a defiant Donald Trump is refusing to backtrack over racially charged remarks he made last week, and the controversy has opened up a major divide between the presumptive Republican presidential nominee and senior GOP leaders.
