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Anti-Trump FBI Agent Fired From Mueller Probe Relied On Russian Dossier

Anti-Trump FBI Agent Fired From Mueller Probe Relied On Russian Dossier

Submitted by ZeroPointNow of IBankCoin

A rabidly anti-Trump FBI agent who was fired from Robert Mueller's Special Counsel investigation relied on claims made in a largely unsubstantiated and highly salacious dossier provided by Washington DC-based opposition research firm, Fusion GPS - which enlisted former MI6 agent Christopher Steele to assemble the 34-page 'Dirty Dossier' in mid-2016.

Anti-Trump FBI Agent Fired From Mueller Probe Relied On Russian Farytales From Fusion GPS Dossier

Anti-Trump FBI Agent Fired From Mueller Probe Relied On Russian Farytales From Fusion GPS Dossier

A rabidly anti-Trump FBI agent who was fired from Robert Mueller's Special Counsel investigation relied on claims made in a largely unsubstantiated and highly salacious dossier provided by Washington DC-based opposition research firm, Fusion GPS - which enlisted former MI6 agent Christopher Steele to assemble the 34-page 'Dirty Dossier' in mid-2016.

The Path To Impeachment

The Path To Impeachment

Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

What constitutes an impeachable offense?

Yesterday in The Internecine Deep State Conflict Moves to Stage Two I suggested that the conflict was heating up, a move confirmed by former Trump advisor Michael Flynn's guilty plea that he lied to the F.B.I. regarding his contact with Russian officials.

Are Markets Too Optimistic About Global Growth? (Spoiler Alert, Yes!)

Are Markets Too Optimistic About Global Growth? (Spoiler Alert, Yes!)

Authored by Saxo Bank's Head of Macro Strategy, Dembik Christopher, via,

  • We expect softer-than-consensus 2018 growth
  • Lowflation structural, not transitory
  • Housing bubbles remain a concern (Bitcoin not so much)

The year 2018 starts with four main questions:

  1. Is economic growth on a solid footing?
  2. Will inflation ever come back?
  3. Should we fear higher bond yields?
  4. What could go wrong?

Is economic growth on a solid footing?

Mueller's Top FBI Agent Probing Clinton Emails, Russian-Collusion "Removed" After Anti-Trump Texts Found

Mueller's Top FBI Agent Probing Clinton Emails, Russian-Collusion "Removed" After Anti-Trump Texts Found

Special Counsel Robert Mueller's top FBI investigator into 'Russian meddling' and Clinton emails has been removed from the probe reportedly due to the discovery of anti-Trump text messages exchanged with a colleague (who he happened to be having an extra-marital affair with).

FBI veteran, Peter Strzok, tapped by special counsel Robert Mueller just weeks ago to help lead the probe of Russian meddling in last year's presidential election, has left Mueller's team.
