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presidential election

"This Looks More Frightening": Global Stock, Bond Selloff Accelerates Amid Risk-Parity Rumblings

"This Looks More Frightening": Global Stock, Bond Selloff Accelerates Amid Risk-Parity Rumblings

Yesterday's Japan flash-crash inspired selling continues for a second day, with global equities - and bonds - sliding early Friday on concerns U.S. tax reform - and corporate tax cuts - will be delayed after Senate Republicans unveiled a plan that differed significantly from the House of Representatives’ version. After suffering their biggest plunge in 4 months on Thursday, European stocks failed to find a bid along with Asian stocks, while U.S.

Trump And Putin Will Not Meet In Vietnam, White House Says

Trump And Putin Will Not Meet In Vietnam, White House Says

Two days after the Kremlin said there was a “strong possibility” that Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin will meet on the sidelines of the upcoming Asia-Pacific summit in Vietnam, the Trump White House has seemingly caved to outside pressure and confirmed that there are currently no plans for a formal meeting between Putin and Trump on the sidelines of the summit.

US, Sweden, Finland Launch New Format Talks: Dancing To Washington's Tune

Authored by Peter Korzun via The Stratgeic Culture Foundation,

US Defense Secretary James Mattis visited Helsinki on Nov. 6-7 to attend a meeting of the Northern Group, a multilateral forum of 12 countries: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

Joe Biden Admits His Biggest Regret

Joe Biden Admits His Biggest Regret

Amid Donna Brazile's revelations that she wanted to replace Hillary with Joe Biden due to health concerns, this morning's comments from the former vice-president are intriguing to say the least.

Just over two years ago, then-Vice President Joe Biden announced that he would not run to succeed President Barack Obama in the 2016 presidential election.

But as ABC News reports, this week, he admitted he regrets that he doesn't currently occupy the Oval Office given the potential he sees in the United States.

One Year After The Election; Where Does The Trump Rally Rank?

One Year After The Election; Where Does The Trump Rally Rank?


It’s hard to believe, but the U.S. Presidential Election was a year ago today. Per Ryan Detrick, Senior Market Strategist,

Although no one at the time would have believed it, the 12 months since Election Day have been among the least volatile ever for equity markets; not to mention the solid 21% gain the S&P 500 Index racked up along the way that has the bulls smiling.”

So where does the rally over the past 12 months rank?
