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presidential election

Before Trump, Sen Bulworth Spoke Truth To Power

Submitted by Douglas Herman

    “The majority of men are not capable of thinking, but only of believing and are not accessible to reason but only to authority.”

    -­ Arthur Schopenhauer Voting is like bungee jumping: it’s for people who like big jerks. If the 2016 US Presidential election seems like a manufactured media circus, perhaps we can blame Hollywood. More precisely, we can blame fictional Senator Jay Billington Bulworth and his bluster for providing the blueprint.

CNBC's Steve Liesman Makes A "Discovery": Americans Are Increasingly Angry And They Want Trump

CNBC's Steve Liesman Makes A "Discovery": Americans Are Increasingly Angry And They Want Trump

Earlier today, CNBC's Steve Liesman made two very important, in fact "critical", if about one year overdue, discoveries.

The first one was that Americans are angry.

According to the CNBC All-America Survey, a majority of Americans are angry about both the political and the economic system. 

Ukraine President Poroshenko Responds To Money Laundering Allegations

Ukraine President Poroshenko Responds To Money Laundering Allegations

While much of the media has been focusing on the Panama Papers allegations surrounding "close friends" of Russian president Vladimir Putin, one person who has been directly named as implicated in offshore tax scandal is Ukraine's billionaire president, Petro Poroshenko.

This is what the ICIJ had to say about this specific involvement:

Trump: "The Country Is Headed For A Massive Recession; It's A Terrible Time To Invest In Stocks"

Trump: "The Country Is Headed For A Massive Recession; It's A Terrible Time To Invest In Stocks"

Donald Trump continued to streamroll over all conventional narratives when during a massive 96-minute interview with the Washington Post on Thursday which was released today, in which he talked candidly about his aggressive style of campaigning and offered new details about what he would do as president, he said that economic conditions are so perilous that the country is headed for a "very massive recession" and that "it’s a terrible time right now" to invest in the stock market, which, the traditionally cheerful WaPo said embraces "a distinctly gloomy view of the economy
