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presidential election

Facebook Denies Bias After "How Do We Defeat Trump" Internal Memo Revealed

Facebook Denies Bias After "How Do We Defeat Trump" Internal Memo Revealed

Facebook is aggressively pushing back on the idea that it could (or would) tilt the scales in the presidential election against Donald Trump.

After CEO Mark Zuckerberg publicly denounced the political positions of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign during the keynote speech of the company’s annual F8 developer conference...

Trump Asks "How Has The 'System' Worked Out For You?"

Authored by Donald Trump, Op-Ed via The Wall Street Journal,

On Saturday, April 9, Colorado had an “election” without voters. Delegates were chosen on behalf of a presidential nominee, yet the people of Colorado were not able to cast their ballots to say which nominee they preferred.

A planned vote had been canceled. And one million Republicans in Colorado were sidelined.

The Weirdest Possible Outcomes For The Strangest Election In U.S. History

Submitted by Brandon Smith via,

If you are a longtime activist in the Liberty Movement then you are well aware that elections do not matter in terms of the future direction our nation takes. Presidents are puppets of international financiers, and so are most legislators. Whenever a president does attempt to go against the system, he either ends up shot by a “lone gunman,” or his office is disgraced by a conveniently-leaked scandal.

Do Ongoing Global Events Prove The World Is Ready For Revolution?

Do Ongoing Global Events Prove The World Is Ready For Revolution?

Submitted by Claire Bernish via,

Paralleling the increasingly draconian policies marking a worldwide descent into fascism, are massive protests — born in the Arab Spring, but arguably an angrier, more potent extension of the Occupy movement — indicative of an unprecedented tipping point.


We, the people of this planet, now stand together, gazing over the precipice whose murky depths of State repression demand we ask one imperative question: have we finally had enough?
