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Germany’s Delegation To Russia Signals That Merkel Is Looking For New Allies

Germany’s Delegation To Russia Signals That Merkel Is Looking For New Allies

By George Friedman of Mauldin Economics

A delegation of executives from major German corporations recently met with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Such delegations are not unusual. Sometimes it is routine, sometimes a courtesy. But occasionally, it has significance. In the case of Russia-Germany relations, such meetings are always potentially significant.

Germany’s Unsteady Relations

Two relationships are critical to Germany.

Uranium Deal Turns Spotlight on Hillary Clinton But Not the Way She Wanted

Uranium Deal Turns Spotlight on Hillary Clinton But Not the Way She Wanted

Submitted by Charles Ortel and Ekaterina Blinova

Hillary and Bill Clinton could have been involved in "pay-to-play" schemes, while transferring money through their charity in a non-transparent manner, according to Wall Street analyst and investigative journalist Charles Ortel who believes that the uranium deal may become the trigger for an all-out inquiry into the Clinton Foundation.

Dow Futures Over 23,000: Dollar, Global Stocks Jump As China Congress Begins

Dow Futures Over 23,000: Dollar, Global Stocks Jump As China Congress Begins

World stocks stayed near peaks and currencies moved in tight ranges on Wednesday as China’s 19th Communist Party Congress opened while focus in Europe turned to speeches from top euro zone central bankers before next week’s key policy meeting, as well as Catalonia's ultimatum due on Thursday. S&P futures are solidly in the green as usual, with Dow futures jumping above 23,000, driven higher by IBM as investors looked for new reasons to extend gains after hitting new all-time highs Tuesday.
