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Cord-Cutting Accelerates, Sends Shock Wave Across Traditional TV

Cord-Cutting Accelerates, Sends Shock Wave Across Traditional TV

By Stock Board Asset

According to eMarketer, digital video consumption is on the rise leading to a seismic shift in the industry. Traditional TV viewers are expected to shrink nearly 10% by 2021 with the expectation of a sharp decrease of total media ad spending upwards of -30% reduction. Even in 2017, the trend is accelerating with eMarketer expecting a slowdown in ad spending, after 2016 benefited from the Olympics and U.S. presidential election.

Security Contractor Says He Was Silenced By Clinton State Department On Benghazi

In the days following the September 2012 terrorist attack on the Benghazi embassy in Libya, the Clinton State Department and Obama White House launched an all-out media propaganda blitz designed to convince Americans that the whole thing had been sparked by an 'insensitive' YouTube video that Muslims in Libya apparently found offensive. As you'll undoubtedly recall, Susan Rice became the face of that propaganda blitz after appearing on every major TV network to blatantly lie to the American public.
