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Mueller Goes After Manafort's Family; Sought Cooperation From Son-In-Law Jeffrey Yohai

Mueller Goes After Manafort's Family; Sought Cooperation From Son-In-Law Jeffrey Yohai

Just one day after we found out that FBI agents 'raided' former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort's Alexandria home on July 26th, we learn that Special Counsel Mueller has also been going after Manafort's family in order gather dirt on a person they clearly view as a material witness.  According to Politico's anonymous sources (and you know what that means), Manafort's son-in-law, Jeffrey Yohai, was approached earlier this summer regarding his "business deals" with Manafort.

"It's Barack Obama Marries Dick Cheney" All In One Think Tank

"It's Barack Obama Marries Dick Cheney" All In One Think Tank

In Russia Sanctions And The Coming Crackdown On Americans we exposed a new project called "Hamilton 68" which claims to monitor 600 twitter accounts in real time, looking for what its creators consider to be overt, covert, as well as "second tier" Russian propaganda. The list of suspected "pro-Russian" twitter accounts is not provided, nor is any rationale given for how an account gets put on the list.

Google Is Committed To The Suppression Of Free Speech

Google Is Committed To The Suppression Of Free Speech

Paul Craig Roberts

This is an update to my earlier posting this morning:

The Google engineer, a Harvard Ph.D., who raised questions about the non-fact-based ideological culture within the Google organization has been identified and fired.

Venezuela's Demise Is A Geopolitical Litmus Test For The U.S.

Venezuela's Demise Is A Geopolitical Litmus Test For The U.S.

Authored by Grgeory  Copley via,

Is Venezuela’s 2017 transformation symptomatic of the growing global polarization? And does it show how the collapse of globalism is resulting in the re-emergence of a range of governmental forms which no longer even need to acknowledge “Western-style” democracy? 

Are we seeing the revival of a bloc of pre-Westphalian nation-states with major power support? 
